Hola bonics! Comencem la setmana i bé, perquè qui ha dit que perquè sigui dilluns hagi de ser un mal dia? A partir d'avui vindrà la Joanna de Lleida i pasara uns dies a casa meva!! A la Xeti li encanta la idea. També està super contenta gràcies als amics de http://www.blog.catblogosphere.com/meet-xeti-from-rinrinflu/
Tots i cada un estan recomenats en aquest petit blog.
Have a marvellous Monday.
ResponEliminaBest wishes Molly
Thanks Molly!!! Today comes to my house a friend of lleida:)
EliminaHi Xeti, we've come over from the Cat Blogosphere to say hello.
ResponEliminaThe Paw Relations
Thank you so much! You are a very great blogger, we follow you:)
EliminaHi there !
ResponEliminaFurry nice to meet you !
Me is a Sacred Birman that lives in Sweden.
Happy Monday to you :)
Thank you a hundred times!!!! That's emotioning for Xeti and me:)
Eliminameowloz two ewe Xeti...veree nice two meet ewe N welcome ta blog land...pleez feel free ta stop by trout towne any time; we all wayz haz foodz on de grill 24/7...hope ewe haz lotz oh fun heer :) ~~~~~
ResponEliminaHello!!!!!!!!!!! We have recommended you:) Besitos!
EliminaQue gatita tan preciosa quiero darle todo mi cariño para esa preciosidad.Abrazos muuuyyyy apretados.
ResponEliminaMil gracias!!!! No encontramos tu blog si nos lo pasas te seguimos:)
EliminaHola, Xeti. Muchas felicidades con to nuevo blog. Voy a seguirte via Bloglovin.
Gracias cariño!!!! Fantastico blog y obviamente te seguimos:) Visitaremos tu pagina diariamente:)
EliminaHi Xeti! Purrs....
ResponEliminaMeow Hello! Thanks for visiting us:)
EliminaHope you had a great day! Lee and Phod
ResponEliminaThank you so much!!! You're very lovely cats!!
EliminaHola! Mucho gusto! Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself! Have a wonderful week!
ResponEliminaCloonEY!!! xeti is your first fan:) Thank you so much!
So nice to meet you! Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere.
ResponEliminaA hundred times THANKS!!!!! Very pretty cats! We follow and recommend you:)
EliminaSo very nice to meet you!! (I like the hearts that pop up too!)
ResponEliminaThank you so much!!! (you are recomended on my blog) And fantastic web!!!